Application Form (All fields are required)
1. Advertising Avenue:
Where did you hear about this vacancy?
2. Preferred Name:
What is your preferred name?
3. Experience?:
How many years' experience do you have as a Project Manager?
4. How do you skills and experience match the position description?:
Please give a short description of :How your experience meets and satisfies the essential skills and experience in the PD
5. Salary Expectation:
Please indicate your salary expectation for this position
6. Previous Employment:
Have you ever worked for Selwyn District Council?
7. Work Eligibility :
Do you have eligibility to work in New Zealand?
8. Work Eligibility - further information:
Which best describes your eligibility to work in New Zealand?
9. Referral:
If you have been referred for this position by a Selwyn District Council employee, please provide their full name (they may be entitled to a referral bonus if you are successful). If this doesn't apply, enter N/A.
10. Medical - Pre-existing Conditions:
Do you have any injuries or medical conditions which might adversely affect your regular attendance at work, work performance or the safety of yourself or others?
11. Medical - Medication:
Are you on any medication which may adversely affect your performance in this role?
12. Medical - further information:
If you answered yes to either of the two medical questions above, please provide details below. If you have nothing to disclose, enter 'N/A'.
13. Criminal Convictions :
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of any criminal or civil offence, either in NZ or overseas, or do you have any charges pending?
14. Criminal Convictions - further information:
If you answered yes to the criminal conviction question above, please provide details below. If you have nothing to disclose, enter 'N/A'.
15. Pre-Employment Screening:
If required, do you agree to undergo pre-employment screening such as Ministry of Justice Checks, Police Vetting and Drug and Alcohol testing, at Selwyn District Councils expense?
16. Declaration:
I declare that the information I have provided is true and correct, and I have not omitted to disclose any information which might be relevant to Selwyn District Councils decision to employ me.
I understand if Selwyn District Council later discovers I have supplied any false information or has been misled in any way, including by omission, I will not be accepted for employment, or if I am already employed, my employment may be terminated.
Supplement Documents (Cover letter, etc.)
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